
About Me

My interests include problem solving, sports, music, coffee, and all things outdoors!

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Interested in multimodal representation and robust generative AI

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Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash Photo by Ian Dooley on Unsplash


Dive into some of my thoughts and adventures!

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  • Education :
  • Skills : The PDF of my full resume is linked here: Resume
    • Languages: Python, R, MATLAB, MySQL
    • Libraries: Pytorch, Tensorflow, Transformers, NLTK, OpenCV, NumPy, Pandas
    • Cloud: AWS, Terraform

  • Hobbies :
    • Soccer: I love watching and playing soccer. My team is Liverpool F.C. and I hope to catch a game in England some day!
    • Guitar: I have been teaching myself to play the guitar since the summer of 2019. I am still very much a novice but can strum a handful of songs as I continue to learn!
    • Surfing: Motivated by the SoCal weather I have been learning to surf this year. Hoping to catch more waves!
    • Travel: I love hiking, sightseeing, experiencing different cultures, trying different cuisines and seeing as much of the world as possible. Currently working my way through all the National Parks in the United States.

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